Top Skills For Effective Communication

Top Skills for Effective Communication: -

Communication is just a two-way process, during which we share ideas, information, or sometimes transmit verbal or nonverbal transactions.

If there is effective communication between healthy employees there are productive relationships between them. Who creates a mutually healthy work environment.

Good and healthy communication is always the cause of one's success and poor communication is the cause of failure.

This clearly indicates that communication is crucial to the success of any team.

We communicate for:
Get information
Praise for the hard work of other team members.
Get feedback
Sell   our products
Hello to our guests

Characteristics of effective communication:

1} Active listening.
2 eye contact
3} posture.
4} Common language.
5} Trial skills.

Communication barriers:
Unfair media
Language difference.
Poor listening skills.
Use of terminology
Selective Listening.

Communication process:
Sender barrier receiver
This communication chart suggests that we should always face contact and avoid interruption {3rd party. Have a healthy work environment for the corporation organization with the effective communication link and for the team members with such effective communication.
70 You see mistakes in any workplace, poor communication can have direct consequences.
As offices become more diverse, the need to speak properly becomes even more important.

What are the root causes of poor communication:

1} Fear
 2 expectations.
3 friction.
4 moment loss of momentum.
5 Dissatisfaction.
6 Lack of commitment.
7 f fainting.

Communication requirements:

1} Proper eye contact.
2 Active listening.
3 short Keep it short and simple.
Avoid 4 inter interruptions.
5} Appropriate facial expressions.
6 Positive head nodes.

1 Do not speak too fast or too slow.
2 Do not interrupt the speaker.
3 Do not assume that everyone understands.

Ask yourself before communicating on any sensitive issue?
What is the important purpose or purpose of my communication.
Who will get it?
What is the attitude of the listener?
How much does he need to know?
Is my time right?
What is the main point?
Are the highlights clear?
Listening to:

Listening means the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.

Without being able to easily misinterpret messages effectively, it is important to listen to all the effective conversations within the organization - it breaks down communication and the message sender can easily get frustrated or annoyed.

Good listening skills lead to:

1} Good customer satisfaction,
2 less More productivity with fewer mistakes.
3 information enhances information sharing, which leads to more creative and innovative work.


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