Key Steps For Perfect Restaurant Service .

Key Steps For Perfect Restaurant Service:-

Service which doesn't have any flaws in it or that quality service which restaurant guests expect from a restaurant server.

In this competitive world, we have to look for a non-defective restaurant service.

A} if we follow the practice of n.d.r.s it'll add pride & value to our

Restaurant and our service as well.

B} it will help us to achieve our guest’s expectation { both from service and food .}

C} it would bring stability in our work & would make us more perfect.

D} with this we would be in a position to truly delight our guests.

E} this would help us to increase our tip’s part as we would be more quality service-oriented.

F} with this we would be in a position to suggest and sell our core products to our guests with ease.

G} n.d.r.s. would make give us a more professional look.

H} with this our guests would come to know that our professionalism.

Now how are we going to achieve this nondefective restaurant service?

For this all of us have to follow the following norms, then only it’s possible for us to achieve this.

Step 1 :

Non-defective restaurant service start’s from our s.o.p { standard operation procedure .} .we all have to display our service throughs.o.p for quality restaurant service. which guides us on how professionally we should approach our guests and display our service.

Step 2:
Regularity at work:-

We all need to know or we all need to ask a question to our self that how important am I as a server ? will my absenteeism affect my colleague's work ? will they have an extra burden of work ?.

 The answer to this is yes. if we remain absent on regular bases, our part of work will have to be carried by my colleague. if this is so, then his concentration and observation will be diverted and he cannot deliver quality service.

Step 3 :

Meeting/greeting and seating . of our guests:-

This is the most important part. non-defective restaurant service start’s from that point where our guests enter our restaurant. by wishing him at all given point {stages} 
 1. At entrance

2. While taking the order.

3. After taking the order.

 4. While doing follow up in between the meals.

5. While presenting the bill.

6. While leaving the restaurant.

7. At the host desk.

This will make our guests feel important at all given points. 

Step 4 :

While taking guest order:-

While taking our guest’s food order, we have to be very patient, watchful, conservative, and very good listeners.

Key Steps For Perfect Restaurant Service .

This is because if we overlook any one of the above we would land in trouble and could make our guests unhappy and we would lose an opportunity to impress our guests. We need to be very observative when we punch the guest’s order in the system . especially if there is any special instruction given by the guests.

n.d.r.s means :

written down the order.

any suggestion.

punching it in the system.

step 5 :

at wait desk:-

Key Steps For Perfect Restaurant Service .

the host has to be very much patience & observative at the front desk.

he needs to take care of the following things :

a} the host has to make sure that he has written each & everyone’s name who are waiting for tables with the approximate time given to them.

B} he needs to offer menu cards for those who are waiting for the tables. { if in case guests ask for it }.

C} if he sees any senior citizen or pregnant woman he has to offer a chair to them without fail.

D} always carrying a smile on the face.

E} if there are any cancellation’s in the waiting list, immediately he needs to reduce the waiting list time & new timing needs to be informed to our guests who are waiting for the table.

Step 6 :
Proper coordination at work creates a smooth flow of work & thinking.
Benefits of coordination at the workplace.

1} coordination encourages team spirit.

2} it gives proper direction.

3} coordination motivates us to do quality service.

4} with proper coordination we can properly utilize our resources.

5} it improves the goodwill of the organization.

6} above all we can achieve our goal with ease.

Step 7 :

For stewards:-

 for those who are working inside the restaurant :

1} make sure the table is cleaned {sanitised} properly before the next table arrives.

2} make sure the table sponge is sanitized at regular intervals with soap. So that it does not smell bad.

3} make sure water is served as the guest seats in.

4} make sure proper clean cutleries & clean plates & tissues are placed on the table before the food arrives on the table.

5} refilling of water glasses is done on periodic bases.

6} clearance of plates.

For those who work as a food pick up :

1} making sure that food is been placed on the right table.

2} if any table is shifted inform the person at the barking counter.

3} if any product is not available in between inform the captains who are inside the restaurant. { both sides }.


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